Nearly a year since my last entry! My dental hygienist once said, "If you'd get your teeth cleaned every one year, rather than every three years, you'd be a lot better off!" (I do that now, I assure you.). It's the same with blogging: if I'd blog every one week, rather than every 48, I'd also be a lot better off, too. So I'll give it another shot. Here we go!
This will just be a catch-up on my life, but I promise to post something of substance next time. I've moved. Living with my best friend was meant to be a short-term situation that turned into something a little more than short-term (nearly 3 years!), but the time came when I needed to have a space of my own, with more of my own things and my own energy around me. I've been able to unpack boxes that were packed in 2014 in Tennessee; seeing my own things is like being reunited with old friends that I've missed. There's the sweet little oak dining room table that has been with me since 1973, and the pitcher my mother bought for me in Gatlinburg, Tennessee when I was in my 20s, and so much more. My things have way too many stories attached to them, which makes it really hard to be without them, or to let them go . Cheryl and I are still best friends, of course -- we both agreed that my move was fully due.
So this summer was one for settling into my new digs and catching up on health care, which involved four (count 'em, four) different doctors, a battery of various tests, and waiting anxiously for results. Health care in Buffalo sure has changed since I last saw a doctor here 15 years ago: now my entire chart is online, including test results and various scans,and I can access everything. Amazing. But all the rigamarole makes me feel trapped in the maw of the medical monster. I guess it comes with aging. However, as a result of the settling in and the doctoring, I didn't get out to the trailer by the lake one single time. Not once! I couldn't face the repairs that I know need to be made, the appliances I know need to be replaced, the work that needs to be scheduled and paid for, because I can't do any of it myself. But tomorrow Cheryl and I are going! So I'm excited about that. The weather has been so summery and hot, clear through September (except for one short cool spell), that we're even planning to go to the beach. I can't wait.
Aside from that, I continue with my part time work, my thrice-weekly yoga, and my sobriety. I've been off, then on again, my food program, and my weight is back on the way down. I had 2 bicycles stolen in 4 days in my new neighborhood (including my dear French 5-speed, which I'm still grieving), and now keep my third bike of the summer inside the building. Sigh. Last week I broke my desktop computer, so all my work now gets done on my dear iPad, with a Bluetooth keyboard. Not sure what I'll do when it's time to print something, but I'm sure I'll figure something out.
Well, that's enough for now. I'll be adding my blog address to my email signature again, so who knows? I might get a few visitors.
So good to see your blog! An iPad and Bluetooth keyboard work fine. Ask Google or Siri to help you. Love and miss you.
Posted by: Sandra Havens Harrison | September 22, 2017 at 08:48 PM
Good to get caught up on what is happening with you-- though a bit concerned to hear about so much doctoring being done. I hope things are well with you physically, as well as being glad to be in your own space.
I can relate to your feelings about missing your things. Much of my art and furniture has been packed up since I retired in 2011, and I miss it. But, I have also benefited by learning to live more simply, with less. Both are true.
Posted by: Susan Keppy | September 23, 2017 at 04:30 PM