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December 15, 2010


Evelyn Jackson

I'm doing an online Advent course and we're making SoulCollages. It's been a very enlightening activity! I was pretty sure I had it all figured out, but then when I actually did one, I was totally surprised at what appeared! I find a lot of similarity between Buddhist teaching and Christianity as well...that whole detaching from outcome is to me like..'let go and let God.' Is this heresy???


This is the third time in a week that someone has mentioned Pema Chodron to me, so guess I better take the hint and read her. In my recent Seeker's Path class, three people recommended the book "Without Buddha, I Could Not Be A Christian," by Paul Knitter. I certainly don't think "overlaps" should startle or horrify anyone. We need to have many, many more overlaps with other faith traditions, IMHO.


Yes, absolutely, Evelyn and Sharon -- let's hear it for points of agreement, rather than always emphasizing differences! In my spiritual director training, another student had a lovely illustration of a hand -- the five fingers being Christianity, Buddhism, Judaism, Islam, and Hinduism, but all connecting back to the same palm. Whatever our religious tradition, and whatever we call it: Wisdom, Enlightenment, God, Allah, Spirit -- we're all seeking union and relationship with the same thing. Sometimes it's hard to be a priest, delegated to teach church doctrine, when what I really believe is that the doctrine itself doesn't matter -- it's what the doctrine is trying to POINT TO that's the main deal!

Fran aka Redondowriter

Thanks for the mention, Ann. I love your nativity and the whimsy of all the animals gathering--and your advent wreath and old ornaments is lovely. I am also interested in FA. I burned out of OA. I'll have to look into this.

Here we are galloping towards Christmas.

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Semi-retired Episcopal priest, gardener, traveler, follower of the black madonna, with one dog, living in a great city and having fun.
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