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November 27, 2010



What a delicious post as always, and chock-full of things to think about. Your wreaths are lovely, for one. I wish you had been here for Thanksgiving, truly. We had neighbors over, but I bought almost everything already prepared from Fresh Market, and it was delicious. All I made from scratch was cranberry sauce and day-ahead-mashed potatoes with sour cream and cream cheese. Most stress-free TG I ever hosted. Re your study groups, what a shame but glad you are making the most out of what people seem to want. I just finished two groups: "Seeker's Path: Moving Beyond Belief" and "Faith and Fiction." For the latter we read a number of short stories from the collection "God Stories." Had rousing discussions. I like small groups and these two were 10 and 6 people, respectively. Have you read Borg's novel "Putting Away Childish Things"? He's a rather stilted novelist, but the philosophy is good. Here's to feeding our souls!


You dear friend, I wish I were there, or you guys were here, or something! T'giving dinner would have been lovely, but someone who would enjoy my groups, and add "rousing discussion" would be a breath of fresh air! I have not read Borg's novel, but still have more of his books to read. He always inspires me. I remember when I read "Meeting Jesus Again for the First Time," how amazed I was.


beautiful wreaths, both. Over time I too have come to decide that whether I'm offering a Bible study or an adult forum book group or some other teaching/learning opportunity or offering the triduum, it's worth it, even if only a few people come, because those people are fed and I like it....so, I agree with your thinking.


So happy to read your words tonight Ann! Your Advent wreath is lovely. I remember making advent wreathes with my Mum when I was a young girl. I think I'll do some research and perhaps make a wreath with my daughter and re learn about the advent wreath and all of it's symbolism together. I am thrilled that you will be posting your sermons. I remember reading Fran's post and almost commented about her idea. If I remember correctly my computer was giving me trouble and I couldn't add my comment. Well I hope you enjoy this beautiful season. I plan to take your advise and let go of the craziness that can come of the 'commercial' holiday season and embrace the true meaning of the season. Thanks for inspiring me yet again!


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Semi-retired Episcopal priest, gardener, traveler, follower of the black madonna, with one dog, living in a great city and having fun.
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