Oh, my, it truly has been 3 weeks since my last post. And I'm home, Toto, I'm home! I had the most extraordinary weekend at the Haden Institute, my graduation weekend. My heart is so full that I cry at the drop of a hat. I have to come down (tomorrow) from my mountaintop experience, and I know it won't be all that easy. Fortunately, I made lots of art (I have to wait till tomorrow to photograph it: my camera is broken, and my phone camera, with no flash, isn't as good), and a picture or two to send to Stacey (Hi, Stacey!). I'm ecstatic to be with my dogs again. Let me tell you just a bit more.
This training program for spritual directors does not seem to be overly demanding, when you see the surface requirements; it does require on average, a book a month (with 1-page written report), and a 3-5 page paper each quarter. Over the course of two years, I've read 16 required books and written six papers. I completed the last five books, however, in the last week of the course. I finished five books and three papers in the last month (while I simulteanously celebrated Christmas with my parish, recovered from sickness, entertained my vestry (the elected, governing body of my parish), and managed several meetings.
I'm a recovering procrastinator; but I must say that the reading and writing were glorious. They set my heart on fire; the authors danced with one another in amazing and unexpected ways. Spirituality has been a passion of mine since 1990 or so (about 18 years). And that's just the time I've pursued Christian spirituality; it doesn't even count all the time since about 1972, when I began to explore yoga and meditation, then other forms of connection with the Divine. So between my illness at Christmas (I hate that! I love the Christmas services, and want to be able to fully enjoy them, instead of worrying that I will have a sneezing marathon during a service!), my work obligations, and finishing up my work for this two-year course, it has been a busy month or so. Once again, my personal coach helped to pull me through: "You can do this, Ann -- you know more than you think you do!" The prayers of others also kept my nose above water. And I did it -- I graduated! I now have a certificate of completion from this training program! And I've learned so much, lived so much, loved so much!
Here is my diploma. I know the photograph isn't completely clear, but I couldn't wait to photograph and show it to you:
I will frame it to hang in my office at work.
We also got something to commemorate our attendance of the six required intensive, 4-day weekends. We got a tile, suitable for hanging on a wall. In the 3 graduations I've seen in my time in this program, no class has ever graduated all of its members at the scheduled time. Some students get tiles and no diploma (they've attended all the weekends, but not completed their coursework). Last spring, our class made a covenant together that we'd all finish and graduate -- quite possibly the first class ever to do so. Most of the eight of us had times in the interim where we were sure we couldn't do it, but we did! The eight of us who attended six consecutive intensives also managed to get our work done! Amazing! Here's my tile:
The labyrinth in the center is the symbol for the Haden Institute. Bob Haden attended training with Lauren Artress (Google her!), and the labyrinth is a very meaningful part of Bob's journey. I've walked it each intensive, but this year we had the option not to walk it, as the temperatures were in the teens. I was working on collages in the art room (we always have a well-equipped art room available to us, 24/7), so I did not brave the cold and snow. The quote below, "Summoned or not, God is present," is mounted above the door of Carl Jung's home in Switzerland. I love it. The certificate will hang in my office at work with my other diplomas and certificates (including the preaching prize from my seminary days). The tile will hang here in my home study. God is always an honored guest in my home.
Our six areas of focus were: Classical models of spiritual direction, Celtic Spirituality, Mystics (this weekend), Jungian models and thought in spiritual direction, midlife issues, and the sacred feminine. In this mix we also learn the use of dreams in spiritual direction, a bit about the Enneagram and Myers-Briggs, and overriding issues about the importance of the life of the spirit in contemporary society. Reducing our study to these few topics really does short shrift to the breadth of our training. We present case studies and dreams every time we get together. We have a 24/7 art room available for our use. Our faculty is amazingly available to us during these times together. And we get to eat the delicious Kanuga food. Breakfast features unlimited crisp bacon, and I've suspended my resolution never to eat pigs.
I want to tell you more about the weekend. I want to share insights, tell you about the magic of snow in the mountains of Western North Carolina. I want to share my feelings about finishing up, not going back, and the delightful gift I was given at the end. I will do this, I promise. I've often planned to post things and then not gotten around to it. But now I'm done with this huge obligation. I've got some more photos to take and send, a bit of reading to do for my other study group, and work to catch up. I'm looking forward to yoga tomorrow morning -- my body has been sitting still for far too long. Just now, though, I have to get to bed. I've slept too little and (yes, I confess) drank too much for the past 4 days. I could not resist staying up late into the night with dear friends and too many bottles of wine! Our first meditation each morning was 7:30 am (NOT optional), so it was "early to rise," no matter how late I got to sleep! And we invariably wrapped up our studies about 8:30 pm.
But I'm done, my friends! I hope to be a better blogger than I've been these last months. I hope to make more art. I've got reading and study projects sketched out for myself, as well, and will have to choose what comes first. YAWN -- I'll see you all bright and early tomorrow! Please join me in my rejoicing tonight!
Wonderful, Ann - I've been waiting for this post as I knew you were going to have a great weekend. What a great mix of topics in your course, and I love how all the students made a covenant to graduate. Awesome.
Posted by: Stacey Apeitos | January 22, 2008 at 04:46 PM
Oh Ann, I'm so glad that you are back and that the reason you were away was to study and graduate! Congratulations! I'll be looking forward to hearing more. Take care.
Posted by: Barbara | January 22, 2008 at 09:29 PM
Congratulations. What a wonderful accomplishment, considering how full your life has been this year. May your journey as a spiritual director be filled with joy!
Posted by: sharon | January 23, 2008 at 02:56 PM
Ann, this is absolutely wonderful news. YOu worked hard and accomplished another of your dreams. I love that Jung quote; I had forgotten it. I look forward to seeing lots more about your experience. But--I also know how good it is to come home, especially when you have animals.
Posted by: Fran aka Redondowriter | January 24, 2008 at 01:25 AM
Congratulations, Ann! You've worked hard for this and your sense of accomplishment glimmers in this account. You inspire me to keep going (though I've dropped out for now) for the finish. Like it's ever finished, right?
Good on you, Ann.
Posted by: ellie | January 30, 2008 at 10:23 AM