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January 21, 2008


Stacey Apeitos

Wonderful, Ann - I've been waiting for this post as I knew you were going to have a great weekend. What a great mix of topics in your course, and I love how all the students made a covenant to graduate. Awesome.


Oh Ann, I'm so glad that you are back and that the reason you were away was to study and graduate! Congratulations! I'll be looking forward to hearing more. Take care.



Congratulations. What a wonderful accomplishment, considering how full your life has been this year. May your journey as a spiritual director be filled with joy!

Fran aka Redondowriter

Ann, this is absolutely wonderful news. YOu worked hard and accomplished another of your dreams. I love that Jung quote; I had forgotten it. I look forward to seeing lots more about your experience. But--I also know how good it is to come home, especially when you have animals.


Congratulations, Ann! You've worked hard for this and your sense of accomplishment glimmers in this account. You inspire me to keep going (though I've dropped out for now) for the finish. Like it's ever finished, right?

Good on you, Ann.

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Semi-retired Episcopal priest, gardener, traveler, follower of the black madonna, with one dog, living in a great city and having fun.
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