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September 18, 2007



Oh, wow. What a lovely experience! I'm so pleased for you.

And thanks for the reminder that we have to say the nasty, ugly, angry things too -- they're just as true as the rest, but they're harder to want to express.


It is when we give forth with our honest heart-talk that we hear the Voice. I am so pleased that you shared your experience of your quest. In doing so, we, your blog readers, as well as your conference group are all the richer for your experience.


Beryl Ament

I've always loved the words of the hymn, "Dear Lord and Father of Mankind". I'm sure you know it, but the lines,
"speak through the earthquake, wind, and fire,
O still, small voice of calm;"
are compelling. A calm voice is awfully hard to hear. I wish I could.


I was very angry at the Lord once when I was not getting what I wanted. I ranted and raved out loud and told him that if I had been there in that crowd, I would have been yelling "Crucify him!" too. I would have driven in a nail!

But even as I ranted, of course I knew that I was having a 2 year old's tantrum, and that of course he knew it too. Like a child telling a parent she hates her. I was always too afraid of my parents to do that!

I am not afraid of the Lord. There is only love in him.

(And PS what I wanted was the last thing I needed and my life has become ever happier in the last 20 years.)

Fran aka Redondowriter

Thanks so much for sharing your Kanuga experience, Ann. I was deeply touched by your voice of God experience and I have had this once that I clearly remember and it was when I was going through the separation/divorce months.

Last night our rector, Bob Cornner, shared his times of dark nights and I guess we all assume our "professional religious" have their stuff together on a spiritual level. NOT! I want to read that book about Mother Teresa's lifetime of dark night and her ability to keep on keeping on. Sure is nice to get the occasional "voice" however, when we need it most.


oh, I'm sorry it has been so long since I've been here. I really enjoyed learning about your retreat, and hearing God's voice. it's also a long time since I've thought about Jungian things. I'm looking forward to hearing about the first time you heard God's voice, 16 years ago!


Thank you for sharing this with us. I'm glad you were able to take that step in trust to allow yourself to express your anger to God and to be open and available to hear God's voice speaking to you.

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Semi-retired Episcopal priest, gardener, traveler, follower of the black madonna, with one dog, living in a great city and having fun.
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